
Congratulations, you’ve made it through your pop-up! After working in the field comes editing the audio behind the scenes for publishing.

You can sit down with any audio editor at your disposal to craft your stories. At KBIA, we use Adobe Audition; these are some tips for getting started with the program.

Basics on conversation-based journalism editing

Becky Smith shares her tips for editing together conversation-based journalism. Watch it here.

Adobe Audition basics

Get to know Adobe Audition basics with the very video KBIA uses to train new audio journalists by Scott Pham.

How to edit a single track with Adobe Audition

Quick tips on editing a single file of audio in Adobe Audition from Bram Sable-Smith.

How to edit a multi-track session with Adobe Audition

Tips on how to edit a project with multiple audio files in Adobe Audition from Sara Shahriari.

For more tutorials on audio editing and producing, check out KBIA’s online resources at “Working at KBIA.”